Christina Travaglini Christina Travaglini

A + J | A Love Story

A little sneak peek into Amber and Joe's beautiful wedding at the Anthony Wayne House!

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Project Weekend Christina Travaglini Project Weekend Christina Travaglini

#ProjectWeekend | May 20 - 21

I can't believe it is almost the end of June. Where did May and June go!? I'm waiting for the day I can write a post that says "we haven't been busy lately." Wishful thinking, huh? Truly, I am striving to slow down a bit, take it all in - especially on the weekends. 

We've had some exciting moments over the last few weeks. C wrapped up her 2016-17 dance year with SIX shows at this years recital. I'm so proud of how much she has accomplished this year and how much she has grown as a dancer. Speaking of...I got to deliver some happy-tear-jerking dance news a few weeks ago as well. C was invited to participate in the pointe program at her studio. (Can I just add here that I was never a dancer so I'm picking this up as I go, but I know a pointe invitation ranks up there in top 3 best moments in a dancers life). guessed it...I documented C's first fitting and it was exciting and emotional! 

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Project Weekend Christina Travaglini Project Weekend Christina Travaglini

#ProjectWeekend | May 6-7

It took me roughly 3 days to recover from this weekend. Taking care of 3 kids, a dog, and a cat can really make a girl want to sleep for a week straight. Good news...I survived and also got to spend some time with my favorite girls, Josephine and Adabelle. While I didn't have much time to actually photograph our weekend because most of my time was spent picking up toys, carrying kids, and making sure that everyone stayed fed and happy, I was able to snap a few of our more quiet moments. Shout out to all the moms out there with multiple deserve an award!

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Christina Travaglini Christina Travaglini

Philadelphia Lifestyle Photographer | The Fronks

Have you ever had someone come into your life and at the time you never could have imagined how impactful they would be? For me, that's Deanna. Rewind to 12 years ago when we met through mutual friends and happened to be pregnant and due with our "firsts" a week a part from each other. I couldn't have imagined at the time that all these years later she would be one of my most supportive friends, especially when it comes to my photography business.

Don't quote me on this, but I believe this session was our 6th time working together. It's been incredible to watch Deanna and Zack's love for each other grow as well as their family. I had the chance to photograph their newborn son, Lincoln, as well as the whole family a few weeks ago. Here are a few of my favorites...

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